Short courses
- Access Course in Biology - SCQF 7
- Access Course in English - SCQF 6
- Access Course in Maths - SCQF 5
- Access Course in Maths - SCQF 6
- Access Course in Maths - SCQF 7
- Access Course in Physics for Engineering
- Accounting and the Energy Industry
- Accounting for Finance
- An Introduction to Ethnographic Research Methods
- Anti-SLAPP Law and Practice
- Applied Risk Analysis and Management
- Applied Statistics
- Approaches to Research: Archives and Sources
- Assessment of Nutritional Health
- Astrobiology, Biogeochemistry and Geobiology for Explorers
- Basics of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis
- Biological Wastewater Treatment and Anaerobic Digestion: Theory, Design and Practice
- Biorefinery for Sustainability
- Budgets and Financial Control
- Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
- Catalyst and Reactor Design
- Certificate in Legal Advocacy Skills
- Challenges in Global Nutrition
- Climate Law and the Energy Sector
- Clinical Nutrition for Disease Prevention
- Commercial and Contractual Issues
- Comparative Planetology and the Atmosphere of Earth
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Consumer Behaviour
- Co-operative Contracts in the Oil and Gas Industry
- Corporate Finance
- Data Science: From Data to Insight
- Decarbonisation and Energy Market Regulation
- Decolonising Society and Politics
- Decommissioning of Offshore Installations: Commercial Issues
- Decommissioning of Offshore Installations: Regulatory Aspects
- Delivering Successful Projects
- Designing Real-World Trials
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Museum Practice
- Discovering Mindfulness
- Earth and Planetary Surface and Internal Processes
- Economic Analysis for Energy Markets
- Economic Evaluation - Application and Policy
- Economic Evaluation - Principles and Frameworks
- Economics for Finance
- Electrical Systems for Renewable Energy
- Energy Conversion and Storage
- Energy from Biomass
- Energy Systems Integration
- Engineering Risk and Reliability Analysis
- Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Epidemiology
- Ethnographic Research Project
- Evidence-Based Health
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Health, Law, and Socio-Cultural Sensitivity
- Financing of International Sales
- Finite Element Methods
- Fire and Explosion Engineering
- Flow Assurance
- Fundamentals of Human Nutrition and Metabolism
- Fundamentals of Research Design
- Future Thinking
- Geothermal and Hydro Energy
- Governance and Petroleum Developments
- Health Care Systems and Policy
- Health Economics
- Health Informatics
- Hitler
- Human Factors Engineering
- Human Factors in Industrial Practice
- ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management
- ILM Level 5 Certificate in Effective Coaching and Mentoring
- ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management
- Industrial Robot Programming and Learning
- Instrumentation, Design and Data for Planetary Exploration
- International Commercial Arbitration
- International Investment Arbitration
- International Investment Law
- International Sale of Goods
- Introduction to Data Visualisation with Python
- Introduction to Energy Transition: Demand, Technology and Economics
- Introduction to GIS Tools, Techniques, Cartography and Geovisualisation
- Introduction to Health Data Science
- Introduction to Offshore Decommissioning
- Investment Analysis for Energy
- Issues in Energy Transition
- Jacobite Scotland: Cultures, Identities, Legacies, 1688-1830
- Key Concepts in Global Health
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Industrial Robot Arms
- Leadership in Higher / Clinical Education
- Leading and Managing High Performance Teams
- Leading and Managing Projects
- Legal Principles
- Legislation, Economics and Safety
- Loss of Containment
- Machine Learning for Healthcare
- Management of Emergency Injuries for Advanced Practitioners
- Managing Change
- Marine and Wind Energy
- Marketing Management
- Media and Memory
- Mediation Theory and Practice
- Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace
- Mental Health and Working with Vulnerable Groups
- Mindful Wellbeing for Teachers with Stress and Anxiety
- Mindfulness in the Classroom
- Museums and Sustainable Futures
- Negotiation Skills
- Non-Medical Prescribing (V300)
- North-East Scotland: History, Landscape, Culture and Economy
- Nutrition and Health Through the Life Stages
- Nutrition and Wellbeing
- Nutrition Science: Food Choice and Behaviour
- Nutrition Science: Lifestyle Medicine
- Nutrition Science: Obesity and Healthy Weight Loss
- Offshore Oil and Gas Decommissioning
- Offshore Structural Integrity
- Organisational Culture and Conflict
- Organisational Psychology
- Organisational Safety and Risk
- Organisations and People
- Pandemics and Plagues: History’s Deadliest Diseases
- Petroleum Economics and Policy
- Petroleum Law: Resource Management
- Philosophy and Society
- Pipelines and Soil Mechanics
- Process Design, Layout and Materials
- Process Plant Equipment and Operations
- Process Shutdown, Structural Decommissioning and Disposal
- Professional and Clinical Development in Critical Care Nursing
- Project Management
- Project Management Fundamentals
- Project Planning and Control
- Public Health in Action
- Qualitative Health Research
- Quality Systems and Risk Management
- Quantitative Methods for Energy Economics
- Quantitative Methods for Finance
- Regulatory Law for Petroleum Operations
- Rehabilitation Engineering and Biomechanics
- Renewable Energy Integration to Grid
- Renewable Energy Law: Planning, Authorisation and HSE
- Renewable Energy Law: Subsidies and Public Participation
- Reservoir Engineering
- Riser Systems and Hydrodynamics
- Risk Allocation in Oilfield Service Contracts
- Running a Business
- Safety and Risk Management
- Safety Critical Skills in Industry
- Scotland: A Millennium of History
- Scottish Church History: From Columba to Graham
- Scottish Visual History
- Scottish Witch-Hunting and the Rise of a Protestant Culture 1590-1690
- Solar Energy
- Space Weather and Radiation
- Spectroscopy, Radiative Transfer and Retrieval
- SQE1 Preparation Course
- Statistics and Probability for Safety, Reliability and Quality
- Subsea Construction, Inspection and Maintenance
- Sustainable Deep Space Exploration and Planetary Protection
- Sustainable Diets and Global Food Systems
- Sustainable Engineering Challenges
- Teaching and Facilitating Learning in Clinical Education
- The Leadership Challenge
- The Philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment
- The Psychology of Social Bias
- The Psychology of Wellbeing
- The Scottish Diaspora
- UAV Remote Sensing, Monitoring and Mapping
- Understanding and Applying Regression Models
- Understanding Cultural Heritage and Memory
- Walter Scott: The Man Behind the Monument
- Well and Production Engineering
- Well Plugging and Abandonment
- Well Testing: Analysis and Design
- Women’s Health in a Global Setting
Degrees and Awards
- BTh (Honours) Theology
- LLM Dispute Resolution
- LLM Energy Transition Law
- LLM International Trade Law
- LLM Oil and Gas Law
- MBA MBA Global
- MLitt Christianity and the Visual Arts
- MLitt Philosophy and Society
- MLitt Scottish Heritage
- MPH Master of Public Health (MPH)
- MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
- MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- MSc Advanced Structural Engineering
- MSc Applied Health Sciences
- MSc Clinical Nutrition
- MSc Data Science
- MSc Decommissioning
- MSc Digital Pedagogy and Educational Futures
- MSc Energy Economics and Finance
- MSc Energy Transition Systems and Technologies
- MSc Finance
- MSc Geographical Information Systems
- MSc Health Data Science
- MSc Health Economics for Health Professionals
- MSc Industrial Robotics
- MSc Leadership in Professional Contexts
- MSc Marketing Management
- MSc Offshore Engineering
- MSc Oil and Gas Engineering
- MSc Petroleum Data Management
- MSc Petroleum Engineering
- MSc Planetary Sciences
- MSc Process Safety
- MSc Project Management
- MSc Renewable Energy Engineering
- MSc Safety and Reliability Engineering
- MSc Special Care Dentistry
- MSc Subsea Engineering
- MSc Subsurface Energy Engineering
- MSc Sustainable Product, Process and Energy Engineering
- MSc Translation Studies
- MTh Theology and Disability
- PgCert Advanced Clinical Practice
- PgCert Clinical Education
- PgCert Heritage and Memory Studies
- PgCert Human Factors and Safety
- PgCert Psychology in the Workplace
- PgCert Research Methods for Health
- PgCert Visual and Popular Cultures
- PgDip New Testament and Early Christianity
- Access Higher Education
- Business and management
- Digital and data skills
- Education and teaching
- Energy
- Energy transition
- Engineering and technology
- Free online courses
- Geosciences
- Healthcare and medicine
- Healthcare education
- History and society
- Law
- Leadership
- New online courses
- Nutrition
- Oil and gas
- Online ILM courses
- Psychology and mental health
- Public health
- Renewable energy
- Start in January
- Start in September
- Theology
Discover sections
- Application help
- For employers
- How online learning works
- Onboarding
- Online study tips
- Student stories
Discover articles
- Access maths courses: helping more graduates get into teaching
- Assessment and exams explained
- Blended learning explained
- Career change in the pipeline
- Careers in transition: funded places are helping engineers join the energy transition
- Create a great study space for online learning
- English language requirements
- Fees, funding and discounts
- Free career support for online students
- Free online courses for Scotland
- From short course to LLM: skills funding is making career change happen
- Fully funded Access Maths courses for Aberdeen City residents
- Helpful study apps for online students
- How to apply for our online degrees
- How to manage your online study time
- How to use Your learning
- IT essentials for online study
- Join one of our Facebook groups
- Lessons in leadership during lockdown
- Log in to the On-demand learning site for the first time
- Online learning benefits
- Paying via SAAS or SFNI loan funding
- Paying via SFE or SFW loan funding
- Set up your University email account
- Supporting mindful nursing
- Supporting staff development with Scottish skills funding
- Take the short course route to an online Masters degree
- Welcoming online students to Aberdeen for graduation
- What are credits?
- What does online learning look like?
- Where to find support when you need it
Other pages
- Short course route to MSc Applied Health Sciences
- Short course route to online LLM Dispute Resolution
- Short course route to online LLM Energy Transition Law
- Short course route to online LLM International Trade Law
- Short course route to online LLM Oil and Gas Law
- Short course route to online Master of Public Health (MPH)
- Short course route to online MBA Global
- Short course route to online MLitt Scottish Heritage
- Short course route to online MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Advanced Structural Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Clinical Nutrition
- Short course route to online MSc Energy Economics and Finance
- Short course route to online MSc Energy Transition Systems and Technologies
- Short course route to online MSc Finance
- Short course route to online MSc Geographical Information Systems
- Short course route to online MSc Health Data Science
- Short course route to online MSc Health Economics for Health Professionals
- Short course route to online MSc Industrial Robotics
- Short course route to online MSc Marketing Management
- Short course route to online MSc Offshore Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Planetary Sciences
- Short course route to online MSc Process Safety
- Short course route to online MSc Project Management
- Short course route to online MSc Renewable Energy Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Safety and Reliability Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Subsea Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Subsurface Energy Engineering
- Short course route to online MSc Sustainable Product, Process and Energy Engineering
- Short course route to online PgCert Heritage and Memory Studies
- Short course route to online PgCert Human Factors and Safety
- Short course route to online PgCert Psychology in the Workplace
- Short course route to online PgCert Research Methods for Health